
Queen City Nerve Featured Artist

“Performing all her life, Anna Elise LaFrance has found herself making waves in the international music and theatre scene.”

— Jack VanderToll: CLT Today

Anna Elise Live interview on BBC with Kevin Ncube

“You kind of do it all”

- Kevin Ncube

“The praise she has garnered for her skillful performance and production of Pretend is a testament to her elastic skills and endless growth. 

Her wealth of knowledge, both behind the curtain and in front, proved critical for LaFrance, who is certainly cementing her name in London. LaFrance’s success is a positive sign of things to come from her. ”

Annie Turk: QC Exclusive

“…as good as the ensemble are, there is a clear standout, Anna Elise LaFrance, who plays the complex character Holly. She excels in finding balance between comedic relief and portraying a character who is (spoiler alert) cheating on her girlfriend…LaFrance manages to wholly embody the character and masterfully navigate her complexities.”

Aaron-Lee Eyles